Bodybuilders Nutrition for Optimum Bodybuilding

How To Build Muscle For Women

How To Build Muscle For Women

Getting the proper nutrition is one of the most important steps in attaining muscle mass, so the right beginners bodybuilding diet should be planned and followed if you want to get the most out of training. Bodybuilding nutrition consists of two main categories: the macronutrients and the micronutrients. Macronutrients are the proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Micronutrients are the vitamins, minerals and enzymes in food, as well as those supplied by supplements. A balance of these in a beginners bodybuilding diet is necessary to promote healthy muscle growth. For more information visit here How To Build Muscle For Women

Are you getting enough in your beginners body builder diet

Although the most spotlighted areas in bodybuilding nutrition are usually protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats and water, there are some aspects that need to be focused on as well, especially for women. Here are a few, to be taken in the correct amounts in proportion to the training that you are undergoing.


Bodybuilding is basically resistance training too, which strengthens bones apart from building muscle mass. Therefore, a female beginners bodybuilding diet should have the right amount of calcium in order to supply the bones with the nutrients it needs. This should come from organic and non-processed food items like soy whey proteins or milk-derived products. Also, eggs and poultry which also fall under protein are good sources of calcium. For more information visit here How To Build Muscle For Women


Iron is especially needed if you haven’t reached menopause and are bodybuilding. This is because even bodybuilders get their periods, which means you should take in iron to compensate for what leaves your body. Sources of protein supply a woman’s protein needs, like lean meat and fish, but eating green, leafy vegetable like spinach and lettuce are excellent ways to provide your body with iron. You can also take vitamins, iron tablets or other supplements to help your body cope with the strain of your training. But I prefer eating the real stuff.


To further help in creating a healthy beginners bodybuilding diet, there should be a proportionate amount of potassium, in order to keep your energy levels up. This means eating avocados, sweet potatoes or potatoes and some complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, brown rice, whole grains and of course, fruits and vegetables. Try to stick with food that have lower glycemic levels and avoid sugary and processed products.

Water and Diuretics

There are some women who are really prone to bloating, no matter what they do. This is a fact I know too well! The answer is to use natural diuretics like cabbages and asparagus helped me to really prevent this, as well as drinking plenty of water. All bodybuilders drink more than eight glasses of water a day to keep them hydrated as they expend energy. Water is essential for normal body functions, as it flushes out unwanted toxins, helps maintain energy levels and a sense of fullness so you don’t give in to the temptation to snack, and basically runs the body’s systems. Keep yourself from bloating by taking in enough water. If you stick to a good beginners bodybuilding diet and have an excellent training program, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be well on your way to flexing those biceps and showing off those abs! Believe me there is nothing like it! For more information you can visit How To Build Muscle For Women

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